


Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 1

Profiting from

PDFs, Virally!

By Dennis Becker

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 2

Congratulations! Free Bonus!

You now own giveaway rights to this report.

By owning give away rights, you may freely distribute this report to anyone
you wish, or use it as an incentive to build your mailing list. The choice is

The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any way
without permission from the author, and you may not sell this report.


Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7
“Digital Sales Machine,” then be sure to read the last section for full

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 3

Are You Profiting
Viral PDF’s Yet?
A viral PDF is one that you create and give away. It could be a report on any
subject related to your niche that solves a problem.

But here’s the twist: You give it away with rights to sell or give it away.

People who receive it can use it as their own to sell or give away again and

The magic to this isn’t just that a lot of people can see your lead magnet it’s
that a lot of people can end up clicking the LINKS you’ve placed INSIDE the
lead magnet.

You strategically place links in the PDF that lead to your landing page, your
website, your products and your affiliate programs. Anything that is relevant

And if your PDF happens to be a newsletter or magazine, all the better. Each
article can link to a product that is relevant to the article. For example, an
article on how to get more traffic can link to a traffic generating plugin, course,
book, etc.

An article on YouTube marketing can lead to… you guessed it, a product on
marketing with YouTube.

If you want to get your links seen and make more money, viral PDF’s are a
must have.

Following is a $1,267,200 case study of someone who is adding 160,000 new
subscribers to her email list each year.

One caveat: If the report that you’re giving away is yours, of course you can do
whatever you want with it as the following case study illustrates, and license it
to others however you want.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 4

But, if you’re using a PLR (private label rights) product, you need to be very
careful not to violate the rights given in the license you received.

For example, many PLR licenses give you the right to give away or sell the
product, but do not allow you to transfer those rights to others. Some licenses
allow you to transfer the giveaway rights, but not resell rights. There are
many combinations of possibilities.

So be sure to read your license carefully before encouraging others to use the
report if it was not created by you.

I mention this, because some marketers don’t fully utilize the private label
rights reports that they own. You certainly should utilize this technique to
maximize the reach of any digital asset that you own in PDF format.

Using this approach to make your reports turn viral will certainly explode the
circulation of them, and if you’ve monetized those reports, as you certainly
want to do, it will explode the size of your email list and your profits!

The best case is if you create something yourself, and then you have full
flexibility in licensing, branding and distribution.

Now, let’s see what can happen…

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 5

Viral PDF Case Study: 160,000 New Subscribers

Joanne uses this strategy to get 440 optins…

Per day…

With zero ad cost.

She gives away a free 35page report with a provocative headline that catches
plenty of attention.

That’s it!

Two years later, after writing the report, she gets 440 new subscribers a day
just from the viral report alone, without doing anything.

Doing the math for you, that’s over 160,000 new subscribers annually!

Of those 160,000 new subscribers, about 9% make their first purchase within
3 months. That’s 14,400 new sales with an average first order of $88.

Total revenue: $1,267,200.

And that only includes initial sales. The real money comes with repeat buyers.

Her current time investment? None.

Her cost? Zero.

What are Joanne’s secrets to making this work?

She offers great content that people want, and she offers giveaway rights to
everyone who gets her report. That means they can give the report away, sell
it, use it to build their list or do whatever they want as long as they don’t
change the report.

And she gives her customers branding rights to the report, so they can earn
commissions when people purchase from the links inside the report.

But only customers can insert affiliate links and make money.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 6

And YOU can create reports just like this that promote affiliate products, your
products, your services or anything you like.

You can get free traffic and sales, your content shared, recognition, trust and

Viral marketing is powerful indeed, isn’t it?

If you’re offering free reports or free newsletters right now, but you’re not
offering rebranding rights, then you are leaving money on the table.

Lots of money.

How does it work?

The first page of your report or newsletter is a title page, just like usual.

But on the second page of your content, you’ll say something like:

“Congratulations! Free!

You now own resell and giveaway rights to this report.

By owning resell and give away rights, you may freely distribute this
report (or newsletter, book, etc.) to anyone you wish, resell it for any price
and keep 100% of the profits, or use it as an incentive to build your
mailing list. The choice is yours.

The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any way
without permission from the author.


You might want to word your introduction slightly differently. For example,
you might not want others to be able to give away your report (which will get
you the widest distribution, so think carefully about not allowing those
rights). Or you might not want others to resell the report (maybe you’ve
licensed the report from elsewhere and you don’t have a license to allow
others to resell the information (see the discussion about PLR licenses
elsewhere in this report).

Now here’s a twist to earn even more money:

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 7

Very few marketers are going to want to give away a report with YOUR
affiliate links in it. And that’s okay, because you’ll still make money.

After the section above, you’ll write something like:

Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7
“Digital Sales Machine,” then be sure to read the last page for full details.”

You’re going to allow them to completely rebrand your report with their own
affiliate links and have a finished money magnet ready to go.

The last page includes a compelling offer for branding rights, and it might say
something like this:

“How to Make This Report Your 24/7 Digital Sales Machine.

I hope you enjoyed this free report and picked up your copy of (insert
product name.)

Before you rush off to share this report with your email subscribers,
Facebook friends and Twitter followers, let me ask you a question…

Would you like to get paid a commission when the people you share this
report with also buy (insert product name?)

If so, then all you have to do is rebrand this special report with your
affiliate ID before sharing it with others. That’s it. You can then post it to
your blog, share it on social media, or even use it to build your list.

And the best part is…

Your readers will also receive ‘giveaway rights’ to this report. Which
means, if they give it away without rebranding it, you’ll get paid
commissions on all of their referred sales as well.

If they purchase the branding rights, you’ll receive a commission for their
purchase of the branding rights.

And then you explain how they order their branding rights from you.

This gives you, as the author, incredible leverage.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 8

Let’s say you’ve written a report promoting a new Clickbank product. You
make money when people buy the product from your personally branded
report, and you also make money when you sell branding rights.

In fact, you can potentially make branding rights sales from every person who
comes across your report, regardless of whose name that report is branded to.

And the people who have paid for branding are highly motivated to share your
report because they can earn product commissions when they do.

If you graph this out, it looks like a pyramid a LEGAL pyramid, mind you. I
know how fishy that word sometimes sounds, but I don’t know how else to
explain how this can potentially grow so BIG for you.

Let’s say you only sell branding rights to 3 people. But each of those 3 give the
report away, and only 3 people they give the report to also buy branding
rights, for a total of 9 more branding rights sales.

And it keeps growing like that.

3 people

9 people

27 people

81 people

243 people

729 people

Multiply these numbers by the amount you will charge for branding rights,
such as $27, and you see that over time you can potentially earn significant

Of course, it doesn’t happen exactly like this. 2 of those first three people
might never share the report, and the other one might share it to 3,000
people, or whatever. The point is, there is a potential for this to grow

So it won’t be a simple 3x3x3x3x3x3 thing, it might be 100x4x2x15x3x2!

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 9

Another option is to create a report to promote YOUR OWN product. You
could offer free branding rights to anyone who purchases your product, or
free branding rights to any affiliate who ‘qualifies.’ You determine how they

The point is, this report that promotes your product can go viral super viral
and if it does a good job of preselling your product, it can make you a lot of
sales for a long time.

It works as a super hot affiliate tool. Just imagine affiliates giving away your
report with their affiliate link inside. You can even create a follow up email
sequence to drive readers back into the report and to the product sales page,
to increase sales even more.

A third option is to use the free report to build your list. Your offer might be,
“Subscribe to my newsletter and get branding rights to this free report.”

A fourth option is to write a follow up report to the first report and offer it
free inside the first report. This is another great way to build your list.

Is all of this getting confusing?

Just think of a viral brander this way: You write the content ONCE, and it
continues to circulate around the internet, acting as your ambassador, driving
traffic to your sales page or squeeze page and making you money.

And if you sell branding rights, it can make you even more money, both from
selling the rights, and from building your own list of subscribers.

Bottom line: If you’re NOT using viral PDF reports, you’re losing
subscribers and money.

Obviously, Joanne’s results are not exactly the same as yours will be. Her
niche, her report that she gave away, her products that she advertised in her
report, her selling prices, are all different than yours will be.

For example, we saw that her average first order was for $88, she was getting
160,000 new signups annually, and 14,400 sales per year.

So, if your average first order was only $7, then your income would “only” be
$100,800. If your $7 offer had an upsell for $27, and that upsell converted at
10%, then that would add another $38,880 to the total.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 10

And it took Joanne a while to achieve those numbers, while the report was
going viral, which didn’t happen overnight.

Two years later, she’s now getting 440 new subscribers a day, so be patient
and allow the magic to happen.

Once the virality did start growing, it would be almost impossible to stop,
short of forgetting to renew her domain name, or removing the URL to her
optin page.

You might do better than Joanne, you might do worse, but you will
almost certainly do better than you are now, when you start distributing
reports with the possibility to become viral.

Once you see how simple and lucrative this is, you certainly won’t have to, or
want to, only have one report growing virally, will you?

If you want to be able to create brandable reports of your own, check out the
best viral PDF brander available anywhere (I’ve tried others), here:


Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 1

Profiting from

PDFs, Virally!

By Dennis Becker

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 2

Congratulations! Free Bonus!

You now own giveaway rights to this report.

By owning give away rights, you may freely distribute this report to anyone
you wish, or use it as an incentive to build your mailing list. The choice is

The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any way
without permission from the author, and you may not sell this report.


Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7
“Digital Sales Machine,” then be sure to read the last section for full

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 3

Are You Profiting
Viral PDF’s Yet?
A viral PDF is one that you create and give away. It could be a report on any
subject related to your niche that solves a problem.

But here’s the twist: You give it away with rights to sell or give it away.

People who receive it can use it as their own to sell or give away again and

The magic to this isn’t just that a lot of people can see your lead magnet it’s
that a lot of people can end up clicking the LINKS you’ve placed INSIDE the
lead magnet.

You strategically place links in the PDF that lead to your landing page, your
website, your products and your affiliate programs. Anything that is relevant

And if your PDF happens to be a newsletter or magazine, all the better. Each
article can link to a product that is relevant to the article. For example, an
article on how to get more traffic can link to a traffic generating plugin, course,
book, etc.

An article on YouTube marketing can lead to… you guessed it, a product on
marketing with YouTube.

If you want to get your links seen and make more money, viral PDF’s are a
must have.

Following is a $1,267,200 case study of someone who is adding 160,000 new
subscribers to her email list each year.

One caveat: If the report that you’re giving away is yours, of course you can do
whatever you want with it as the following case study illustrates, and license it
to others however you want.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 4

But, if you’re using a PLR (private label rights) product, you need to be very
careful not to violate the rights given in the license you received.

For example, many PLR licenses give you the right to give away or sell the
product, but do not allow you to transfer those rights to others. Some licenses
allow you to transfer the giveaway rights, but not resell rights. There are
many combinations of possibilities.

So be sure to read your license carefully before encouraging others to use the
report if it was not created by you.

I mention this, because some marketers don’t fully utilize the private label
rights reports that they own. You certainly should utilize this technique to
maximize the reach of any digital asset that you own in PDF format.

Using this approach to make your reports turn viral will certainly explode the
circulation of them, and if you’ve monetized those reports, as you certainly
want to do, it will explode the size of your email list and your profits!

The best case is if you create something yourself, and then you have full
flexibility in licensing, branding and distribution.

Now, let’s see what can happen…

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 5

Viral PDF Case Study: 160,000 New Subscribers

Joanne uses this strategy to get 440 optins…

Per day…

With zero ad cost.

She gives away a free 35page report with a provocative headline that catches
plenty of attention.

That’s it!

Two years later, after writing the report, she gets 440 new subscribers a day
just from the viral report alone, without doing anything.

Doing the math for you, that’s over 160,000 new subscribers annually!

Of those 160,000 new subscribers, about 9% make their first purchase within
3 months. That’s 14,400 new sales with an average first order of $88.

Total revenue: $1,267,200.

And that only includes initial sales. The real money comes with repeat buyers.

Her current time investment? None.

Her cost? Zero.

What are Joanne’s secrets to making this work?

She offers great content that people want, and she offers giveaway rights to
everyone who gets her report. That means they can give the report away, sell
it, use it to build their list or do whatever they want as long as they don’t
change the report.

And she gives her customers branding rights to the report, so they can earn
commissions when people purchase from the links inside the report.

But only customers can insert affiliate links and make money.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 6

And YOU can create reports just like this that promote affiliate products, your
products, your services or anything you like.

You can get free traffic and sales, your content shared, recognition, trust and

Viral marketing is powerful indeed, isn’t it?

If you’re offering free reports or free newsletters right now, but you’re not
offering rebranding rights, then you are leaving money on the table.

Lots of money.

How does it work?

The first page of your report or newsletter is a title page, just like usual.

But on the second page of your content, you’ll say something like:

“Congratulations! Free!

You now own resell and giveaway rights to this report.

By owning resell and give away rights, you may freely distribute this
report (or newsletter, book, etc.) to anyone you wish, resell it for any price
and keep 100% of the profits, or use it as an incentive to build your
mailing list. The choice is yours.

The only restriction is that you cannot modify this document in any way
without permission from the author.


You might want to word your introduction slightly differently. For example,
you might not want others to be able to give away your report (which will get
you the widest distribution, so think carefully about not allowing those
rights). Or you might not want others to resell the report (maybe you’ve
licensed the report from elsewhere and you don’t have a license to allow
others to resell the information (see the discussion about PLR licenses
elsewhere in this report).

Now here’s a twist to earn even more money:

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 7

Very few marketers are going to want to give away a report with YOUR
affiliate links in it. And that’s okay, because you’ll still make money.

After the section above, you’ll write something like:

Hot Tip: If you would like to learn how to make this report your 24/7
“Digital Sales Machine,” then be sure to read the last page for full details.”

You’re going to allow them to completely rebrand your report with their own
affiliate links and have a finished money magnet ready to go.

The last page includes a compelling offer for branding rights, and it might say
something like this:

“How to Make This Report Your 24/7 Digital Sales Machine.

I hope you enjoyed this free report and picked up your copy of (insert
product name.)

Before you rush off to share this report with your email subscribers,
Facebook friends and Twitter followers, let me ask you a question…

Would you like to get paid a commission when the people you share this
report with also buy (insert product name?)

If so, then all you have to do is rebrand this special report with your
affiliate ID before sharing it with others. That’s it. You can then post it to
your blog, share it on social media, or even use it to build your list.

And the best part is…

Your readers will also receive ‘giveaway rights’ to this report. Which
means, if they give it away without rebranding it, you’ll get paid
commissions on all of their referred sales as well.

If they purchase the branding rights, you’ll receive a commission for their
purchase of the branding rights.

And then you explain how they order their branding rights from you.

This gives you, as the author, incredible leverage.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 8

Let’s say you’ve written a report promoting a new Clickbank product. You
make money when people buy the product from your personally branded
report, and you also make money when you sell branding rights.

In fact, you can potentially make branding rights sales from every person who
comes across your report, regardless of whose name that report is branded to.

And the people who have paid for branding are highly motivated to share your
report because they can earn product commissions when they do.

If you graph this out, it looks like a pyramid a LEGAL pyramid, mind you. I
know how fishy that word sometimes sounds, but I don’t know how else to
explain how this can potentially grow so BIG for you.

Let’s say you only sell branding rights to 3 people. But each of those 3 give the
report away, and only 3 people they give the report to also buy branding
rights, for a total of 9 more branding rights sales.

And it keeps growing like that.

3 people

9 people

27 people

81 people

243 people

729 people

Multiply these numbers by the amount you will charge for branding rights,
such as $27, and you see that over time you can potentially earn significant

Of course, it doesn’t happen exactly like this. 2 of those first three people
might never share the report, and the other one might share it to 3,000
people, or whatever. The point is, there is a potential for this to grow

So it won’t be a simple 3x3x3x3x3x3 thing, it might be 100x4x2x15x3x2!

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 9

Another option is to create a report to promote YOUR OWN product. You
could offer free branding rights to anyone who purchases your product, or
free branding rights to any affiliate who ‘qualifies.’ You determine how they

The point is, this report that promotes your product can go viral super viral
and if it does a good job of preselling your product, it can make you a lot of
sales for a long time.

It works as a super hot affiliate tool. Just imagine affiliates giving away your
report with their affiliate link inside. You can even create a follow up email
sequence to drive readers back into the report and to the product sales page,
to increase sales even more.

A third option is to use the free report to build your list. Your offer might be,
“Subscribe to my newsletter and get branding rights to this free report.”

A fourth option is to write a follow up report to the first report and offer it
free inside the first report. This is another great way to build your list.

Is all of this getting confusing?

Just think of a viral brander this way: You write the content ONCE, and it
continues to circulate around the internet, acting as your ambassador, driving
traffic to your sales page or squeeze page and making you money.

And if you sell branding rights, it can make you even more money, both from
selling the rights, and from building your own list of subscribers.

Bottom line: If you’re NOT using viral PDF reports, you’re losing
subscribers and money.

Obviously, Joanne’s results are not exactly the same as yours will be. Her
niche, her report that she gave away, her products that she advertised in her
report, her selling prices, are all different than yours will be.

For example, we saw that her average first order was for $88, she was getting
160,000 new signups annually, and 14,400 sales per year.

So, if your average first order was only $7, then your income would “only” be
$100,800. If your $7 offer had an upsell for $27, and that upsell converted at
10%, then that would add another $38,880 to the total.

Profiting from PDFs, Virally | EasyViralPDFBrander.com | Page 10

And it took Joanne a while to achieve those numbers, while the report was
going viral, which didn’t happen overnight.

Two years later, she’s now getting 440 new subscribers a day, so be patient
and allow the magic to happen.

Once the virality did start growing, it would be almost impossible to stop,
short of forgetting to renew her domain name, or removing the URL to her
optin page.

You might do better than Joanne, you might do worse, but you will
almost certainly do better than you are now, when you start distributing
reports with the possibility to become viral.

Once you see how simple and lucrative this is, you certainly won’t have to, or
want to, only have one report growing virally, will you?

If you want to be able to create brandable reports of your own, check out the
best viral PDF brander available anywhere (I’ve tried others), here:
